Saturday, April 23, 2011

Last Day

Okay tomorrow we must turn in the website. As i was reading I think everything is done except we must find 2 more websites each. I know we put in the websites from our evaluations but we must also add 3 additional websites each. i know I found 1 more but it looks like we have only put in our websites for our teaching resources that include lesson plans ect??

Otherwise I think we are finished.

I have to add in the digital story and a picture to my website in the morning before we leave for back home.

Thanks for everyone's effort. I like the website!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


The other one was getting tooooo long!

Amy- okay. Under the "teaching resources" page, Alyssa has listed her 3 websites from that module early on in the semester. I am in the process of finishing mine up too...also the last bullet says that we each needs to find three additional websites, i'm thinking that oe that page there should be a total of....18 websites?

Also, i would message Kelsey and have her make sure that she can see the youtube video of your podcast, because i am still unable. :(

Alyssa-- Did you want to work on the "BIG BANG" page for the end of our project? I think there should be a link to Amy's create a classroom weather station page....because as she said above, that "lesson" is basically creating the tools for our classroom weather station. I think this could also count as one of your two original item, especially if you make it like a lesson plan!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Hello ladies, I have done quite a bit of messing with our website and have added and deleted some pages. What do you think so far of my messing around? Any ideas as to better our site or make some adjustments?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Final Concept Map

I am working on our final concept map. I will post it here once I get it done.

Okay, this is what I have so far for the final concept map. Am I missing any new ideas or ones from your lesson plans or podcasts?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Okay- i like the classroom one, too! Alright, the website is made. Here is the link: however, try to play around on it and make sure it will work, ( because i'm not sure that we can change/adjust the title headlines) :(

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Module 10

Alright guys! In the homestretch! :)

I created a group email for us to use for this "last" module.

It is a gmail account, as instructed. The login email is: weatherwatchers3470 and the password is: spring2011.

Hope this is at least a good start for this next module.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I know we are working on the google document for the scripts, but maybe after we all have our final copy of our script, we can copy and paste it into our blog so we have a record of here also!

Here is the link for the google document again: