Monday, March 14, 2011

Module 9-Collaborative Podcast

For our next project, we are going to be working on a collaborative podcast. We have two weeks to work on this!

We will need to decide on who goes first, second and third. The recording has to flow together.

Then we will need to decide who covers what concepts of our group project.

I think that we should try to get this part done by Friday or Saturday this week?

Since the scripts need to flow together...we will need to see each other's scripts in order to coordinate most likely the first person's script would probably need to be done first, then the second and then the third. Does that make sense?

So we probably should set deadline's for putting the script up also. When do you think would be a reasonable deadline for those?


  1. I think by Friday is a great deadline for the first part. And then....get started! :) Maybe have all the script done by...Monday or Tuesday of the second week. And then obviously have the rest of the week to record them~?

  2. Sounds good to me. Someone who took this class gave me the idea of doing our scripts on a google document, so that we could all see the progress better and see how they flow.

    So let's have the scripts done by Tuesday?

  3. yes! I was think that too....we could just make one long, run-on script, and then divid it up afterwards. Also- I think i am a little confused as to what exactly we are our "project"....or ?! i don't think the module really elaborated either. :(

  4. Yeah...I kind of think we should each seperate our own parts though...but it would be there so everyone could see what each one was talking about so there wouldn't be any repeats and it would flow together well.

    I think what we are supposed to do is to imagine that we are three teachers actually doing the project with students and we are informing parents or others what we have been doing and our basically the first person would talk about what we did at the beginning picking up some of the beginning concepts. The middle person would then continue the dialogue including a few more concepts and activities that were done by the students. The last person would finish up with a few more concepts that were done.

    Leah, do you wanna do the first part? I would like to do either the first or second part. Do you want me to start the google document for us to use?

  5. Yes. I can do the first part. And, yes, if you wanted to make the google docs.

  6. Okay I can do the third part. So are we going to stick to the concepts we have been doing in our concept map?

  7. um...yeah.. maybe we should post on here our main topics that we are going to talk about, and then start our actual scripts on the google documents?

  8. Leah, that sounds like a good idea. I have the google document set up. Were you two able to get into it?

  9. Leah, why don't you put up what you are going to cover first, so that I know what to cover next. Then Alyssa could put hers up, so that it follows the right order.

  10. Don't forget to cover some things from the book too! :)

  11. Sounds good- either of you know where i can download Audacity? Because, yet again, i don't have a program needed for an assignment!

  12. There is a link for it on the Module...but here it is:

  13. Leah, I know you haven't had a chance to post what concepts you were going to use from the concept map, but I wondered if you would mind if I did the part about climate and climate graphs, along with the Meterologist weather forecasting since those are the two I did my lesson plan on.

    I also planned on talking about google maps & e-pals for technology...possibly some others, i'm not entirely sure yet.

    Leah, did u want to do the weather journal part, since that is one of the first things we started with?

  14. Yes! um... i can do the weather journals, and maybe...a virtual field or something? i will post my script...over the weekend?

  15. Cool, I won't get to my script til the beginning of next weeks, cause we are going out of town, but I wanted to make sure and get my concepts out there, so you girls knew what I was doing!

  16. Hey, So when am I going to get my part and will I be following your concepts?

  17. I have been checking the podcast instead of here.

  18. Alyssa, yes you will be following me. I am hoping to have mine up by early this week. Check out the google document to see the progress, so you can tell where we all are on our scripts and what we are doing on them.

  19. Girls! I know that everyone is busy with their own things, but i am having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to start my script. Any ideas/help?

  20. Maybe you could start out with how we came up with the idea and how we presented the idea to the students and how it all got started...? I'm not sure :). Maybe you could look at our beginning blogs to see what we talked about and that might give you a beginning spot.

  21. Hey, I wanted to do something with japan and creating current events and using a blog to talk to others who have experienced harsh weather??? I think if you speak as if you are the teacher that will help and then explain the reasons behind your lessons!

  22. OKAY! my script is up....will you both go read it, and make sure i don't sound like an idiot, and then i will record it :)

  23. Leah, it sounds good!

    The only thing I would say is near the end when you say, "our next step" as if it is in the future, you might want to rephrase it as if you have already done it, because I will go further into our project and then Alyssa will add on steps also.

    Other than that, it sounds excellent!

  24. shocker...i clearly don't have the "right" version of a downloaded program again...because mine isn't working to edit the music, any ideas?

  25. Okay, my script is up on the google document! Can you girls look at it to make sure it sounds right?

  26. looks good! :) Any ideas as to why my music editing isn't working?

  27. I actually haven't started recording mine yet, so I am not sure, sorry!

  28. when should i have everything done! I have started but not too much. I can do it tonight or tomorrow. Tomorrow is better for me. Do we have to connect all our recordings or can those be seperate??

  29. they can be posted long as it is done before the "deadline"
