Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week 7-Movie Maker

This week project sounds like an interesting one! We get to make a movie! Each one of us needs to pick a specific topic related to weather and we can't use the same one, so let's make sure and post which one we are using so we don't have duplicates!

Looking ahead: Alyssa, do you want to do the second version of our concept map? It is in Week 8 module. If not, I can do it. Let me know by Thursday of this week if you want to do it this time. If not, I will download it on Friday. Thanks!


  1. I am thinking about doing a movie about the different kinds of clouds and identification of them. I can't decide whether I want to make up a fiction or non-fiction story. This should be fun!

  2. I think i am going to do my movie about extreme weather conditions, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.

  3. i lied, i am going to do mine on the Dust Bowl from history.

  4. I can do the concept map in week 8! that is fine! I am not sure what I am going to do my video on this second but will post when i know!
